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New Lilacet Services
All-in-One Overseas purchasing agency

Collecting overseas products, translating images, and registering market products.
One solution at a time.!

Main image

From product sourcing to sales order management
To one solution !

Foreign products like mine.
Bring it to Lilacet easily and sell it more conveniently.!

  • Collecting overseas products with one click

    Collecting overseas products that
    end with a single click

  • All-in-ONE solutions, including image translation

    Up to image translation
    All-in-ONE Solutions

  • Overseas products in the market through integrated management of the market.

    Overseas products in the market.
    Through integrated
    market management!

Check out Various functions of the Relaket
International Purchase Agency.

  • Collection of individual products for Chrome, Wales Expansion Programme
  • Product Image Translation Service
  • Detailed Page AutoComplete Template Service
  • Market-linked automatic category mapping

  • Collect automatic category mapping
  • Web-based solutions
  • Product name, S.E.O. Optimization
  • Product images, video collection
  • Automatic replacement function for prohibited word response
  • Multiple account support by market

  • Automatic update scheduling of collection product information
  • Collected Product Information Bulk Change
  • Provide cloud servers by individual

Relaket overseas purchase agency
service-only differentiation

01One-click product collection

For the convenience of collecting products by proxy, mass collection based on the search results of categories or keywords on overseas sites.
Individual product URLs and individual collection through one-click collection extension programs.
It supports the product collection function tailored to the way it operates.

One-click product collection1 One-click product collection2

02Image Translation Services

Easily and quickly click from main image to detailed image
Register through the image translation service without worrying about restrictions on sales of foreign language detailed pages by market.
Increase the conversion rate and sales volume.

Image Translation Services1 Image Translation Services2

03Easy S.E.O optimization

It provides effect measurement data such as search volume by keyword and average click rate compared to search.
Select the provided data-based search keywords to help improve product exposure competitiveness.

Easy S.E.O optimization1 Easy S.E.O optimization2

04Korea’s First Individual Cloud Server Delivery

By providing individual Web cloud systems,
Experience improved performance and faster product collection.
Cloud servers are automatically installed and available without a separate installation process.

Korea’s First Individual Cloud Server Delivery

Relaket Overseas Sourcing site

The scraping support site will continue to be developed by .

  • I Herb
  • AliExpress
  • Taobao
  • Amazon
  • 1688

Start an easy and fast overseas purchase agency
with a release kit now.

Overseas purchasing agency